Raising children is a big adventure – and we’re with you all the way. We want even the youngest child to discover a life following Jesus, so we do all we can to nurture faith in a fun, safe and creative way.

  • Sunday Club currently meets during our Sunday morning gatherings to learn about Jesus, pray and enjoy singing together. This is for families with children aged 0-11 and is led by our fantastic team of Sunday Club leaders.

    During these meetings we split into three groups, for children aged 0-3, 4-7 and 8-12.

    We’d love to see you soon!

  • Tower Tots
    Wednesdays (in term-time) - 10:30am–12pm
    Tower Tots is a fun and safe space for babies, toddlers, parents and carers to chat, play and meet new people.

  • As you join us on a Sunday we will ask you to fill out a card to register your children as visitors to our groups.

    If you decide to join on a regular basis, we will ask you to complete a parental consent form.

  • Maybe we’re biased, but we think that the Kids team have the most fun!

    We’re looking for fun and creative people to help equip the youngest members of our church for a life following Jesus.

    Get in touch

  • All of our volunteers are trained, and DBS checked. We make the safety of our kids and team our priority.

    View our Safeguarding information and policies

“Tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might, and the wonders that he has done.”

Psalm 78:4