We’re a community of ordinary people trying to authentically follow Jesus and to love the world as He does. Here is what we are about...


Helping the people of Bristol to follow Jesus

Ultimately, we exist to help people discover what life is truly about.

We believe that fulfilment in life will only be found by turning away from the idols of our hearts and trusting in the true God who is the giver of life.

We believe that this God has made himself known personally through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.

We are a people who gather at a central place where our faith is fanned as we encounter his presence and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We want to play our part in God’s purposes here, as Bristol churches all over the city seek His Kingdom. We therefore gather in different sized groups throughout the city to see lives transformed and made new.


Compelled by Jesus, here’s how we’re called to live.

Encountering Jesus
In the Scriptures, in prayer, in worship, all the time.

Redeeming Life
Spurring one another on to pursue the abundant life that Jesus gives.

Loving Bristol
Unreservedly sharing the love of Jesus with everyone we encounter.


Who we long to be by God’s grace shown in Jesus.

Choose Jesus above all
Worship and pursue him 24/7

Build your life on his word
Hear and obey

Speak positively
because God is good in every circumstance

Join in
and be the family we want

Get to the heart of the matter
and pursue the way forward with Jesus

Be generous with all God gives
Radical generosity in truth, time, talents and treasure

Say why he sent you
Proclaim the Gospel