Sharing the love and joy of Christmas with Children around the world.

We're thrilled to be partnering again with Operation Christmas Child, a global initiative that brings joy and hope to children in need. By packing a simple shoebox with gifts, you can make a world of difference. Whether you’re a local business, organisation, or an individual, there’s a way for you to get involved and share the joy of Christmas.

Last year in the Bristol and Bath area 5,764 shoeboxes were packed and donated. From the UK a total of 237,735 shoeboxes were shipped and delivered to countries including The Balkans, Moldova, Belarus, Serbia, Middle East, Central Asia, Romania, West Africa and Ukraine.

Join us this year as we seek to break this target by sending more boxes than ever to children around the world.


Make a Global Impact with a Local Touch

Operation Christmas Child delivers shoeboxes filled with gifts to children in over 100 countries, many of whom have never received a Christmas present before. Your participation not only brings smiles but also shares love and hope across the globe. Here’s why you should get involved:

Direct Impact: Every shoebox you pack reaches a child in need.

Community Spirit: Join forces with local businesses, organisations, and neighbours to make a collective impact.

Simple and Meaningful: It’s easy to participate, and every box you pack makes a big difference.


We work closely with businesses and organisations to support your efforts in packing shoeboxes. If you represent a business or organisation, click the button above to get in touch. A member of our team will reach out to discuss how we can best support your involvement.

If you’re an individual looking to get involved by packing a shoebox, click the button above for all the details. You'll find guidance on what to include and step-by-step instructions for packing your box. Drop-off information is provided below, making it easy to complete your contribution.

If you’d like to participate but don’t have the time or ability to pack a shoebox, we’ve got you covered. Click the button above to donate a pre-packed shoebox or to make a donation to the Operation Christmas Child campaign. Your support will still make a big difference in a child’s life this Christmas.


National Collection Week
11-18 November 2024

Once you’ve packed your shoebox, simply drop it in to us during the collection week. Below, you’ll find the details of where and when you can drop off your box.


Central Church,
Tower Hill
Bristol, BS2 0ET

Opening Times:

Wednesday 13th Nov 10am - 4pm
Thursday 14th Nov10am - 4pm
Saturday 16th Nov 10am - 1pm
Sunday 17th Nov 10am - 1pm
Monday 18th Nov 10am - 7pm

'Shoebox Drop Off' car parking bays are available directly outside the centre. The building is wheelchair accessible.


"Last year, I packed a shoebox for the first time, and it was an incredibly rewarding experience. Knowing that a small box filled with simple gifts could bring so much joy to a child was truly touching. It’s amazing how such a small act of kindness can have such a big impact. I can’t wait to do it again this year." — Sarah



If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact us. We’re here to make your shoebox packing experience as easy and enjoyable as possible.


0117 929 3386