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Books of the Bible
Unanswered Prayer
Tim continues our sermon series by tackling the topic of unanswered prayer - reminding us of Jesus' experience in Gethsemane, and encouraging us to be as persistent as the widow in our reading.
Righteousness, Redemption and Revelation
When we consider the story of Simeon's encounter with Jesus after his birth, we see God's amazing provision of grace in his Son. Where the Law requires righteousness, Jesus is God's revelation of redemption.
SENT: Our Motivation
As we celebrate the 850th birthday of our church, Tim closes our sermon series in Luke, considering our need for revelation, the power of Jesus' name and how we might carry out all God has called us to.
SENT: Our Mission
Tim kicks off our series in Luke's gospel as we consider the mission God has for us. Our reading was Luke 10:1-24.
How Deep Is Your Love?
Jan continues our sermon series as she expounds Jesus' command for us to love our enemies from Luke 6.
The Power of Love
Particularly in response to the chaos we see in our nation at the moment, Tim continues our series by considering the resurrection account of Luke 24.
Self Control
Mark shares with us from 2 Peter1:3-9, encouraging us through the Spirit to grow in self control, and moving us to consider specific areas of our lives where can be putting this into practice.
Jesus’ Mission
Michael talks on Luke 19:1-10, sharing with us the good news that Jesus’ mission was to bring salvation, and that he continues to do so in our lives today.
Jesus Often Withdrew
Tim continues our sermon series 'An Attentive Life' with Luke 5:15-16 - how do we refuel our faith when times are tough?
An Attentive Life
This Sunday, through the story of story of Mary and Martha Tim kicked off our new sermon series ‘An Attentive Life’ and spoke about not being distracted from the voice and presence of God.
Carols by Candlelight
At our beautiful Candlelit Carol Service Tim Jones shares of the Good News of Great Joy that is for all people.
The Gap is the Gift
Waiting on God is part of the Christian life. Tim unpacks Luke's account of Simeon meeting Jesus and what it teaches us about God's purposes for our waiting.